Character Woody Info
Information |
Character |
Woody |
Class |
Soul Wizard |
Level |
400 |
MasterLevel |
1031 |
Resets |
342 |
Grand Reset |
0 |
PK Level |
Commoner (0)
Location |
Gray Aida (124x29)
Status |
Offline |
Account Information |
Characters :
Woody |
Last Login :
Undefined |
Last Logout |
Undefined |
Death History |
Killer |
Map |
CoordX |
CoordY |
Date |
MGZelos | Devias | 72 | 175 | 08/03/2025 17:17:28 |
bodenel | Blood Tarkan | 113 | 66 | 16/02/2025 18:23:41 |
Mwezi | Blood Tarkan | 113 | 67 | 16/02/2025 15:27:52 |
Agnar | Unknown | 88 | 100 | 15/02/2025 23:58:03 |
STAB | Unknown | 87 | 100 | 15/02/2025 22:55:50 |
ConTeLe | Lorencia | 139 | 126 | 11/02/2025 17:01:46 |
ConTeLe | Lorencia | 144 | 126 | 11/02/2025 17:01:39 |
agefi | Dungeon | 10 | 10 | 29/05/2024 18:09:56 |
XanDK | Lorencia | 147 | 147 | 29/05/2024 14:46:58 |
Trimuria | Scorched Canyon | 88 | 88 | 28/05/2024 11:53:34 |
Attention: Some items may appear with options that differ from reality. We're working on it.