Character Mznar Info
Information |
Character |
Mznar |
Class |
Lemuria |
Level |
400 |
MasterLevel |
1155 |
Resets |
279 |
Grand Reset |
5 |
PK Level |
Commoner (0)
Location |
Twisted Karutan (96x159)
Status |
Offline |
Account Information |
Characters :
Zenado, Mznar |
Last Login :
Undefined |
Last Logout |
Undefined |
Death History |
Killer |
Map |
CoordX |
CoordY |
Date |
XGame | Unknown | 56 | 56 | 10/10/2024 00:00:41 |
KillerAll | Unknown | 56 | 56 | 07/10/2024 21:04:13 |
Micae | Crystal Battle | 233 | 233 | 29/09/2024 01:15:34 |
[BAP] | Arena | 180 | 180 | 26/09/2024 23:38:02 |
neroxxx | Arena | 178 | 178 | 25/09/2024 01:01:02 |
neroxxx | Arena | 178 | 178 | 24/09/2024 22:14:28 |
LikePK | Blood Tarkan | 206 | 206 | 18/09/2024 06:23:07 |
kkkkkkkkkk | Unknown | 55 | 55 | 18/09/2024 00:04:28 |
Kamasutra | Lorencia | 180 | 180 | 15/09/2024 10:47:29 |
EarthQuake | Lorencia | 179 | 179 | 14/09/2024 02:23:43 |
Attention: Some items may appear with options that differ from reality. We're working on it.