1. Earring System:
- Collect 1st Earring (Right/Left) from MOSS Gambler
Link: https://epicmu.net/guides/read/moss-gambler/19
- Upgrade 1st Earring from +0 to +15 using Three Vacancies.
(Create Three Vacancie in Chaos Machine 'Lapidary Stone' section using Excellent Rings & Pendants).
- Upgrade 1st Earring +15 to 2nd Earring (Forefathers).
(You need RuudShop Item 'Ancient Frame' to evolve the Earring).
- Upgrade 2nd Earring from +0 to +15 using Three Vacancies.
(Create Three Vacancie in Chaos Machine 'Lapidary Stone' section using Excellent Rings & Pendants).
- Upgrade 2nd Earring +15 to 3rd Earring (Honor).
(You need RuudShop Item 'Glory Honor' to evolve the Earring).
- Upgrade 3rd Earring from +0 to +15 using Three Vacancies.
(Create Three Vacancie in Chaos Machine 'Lapidary Stone' section using Excellent Rings & Pendants).
- Upgrade 3rd Earring from +0 to +15 using Three Vacancies.
(Create Three Vacancie in Chaos Machine 'Lapidary Stone' section using Excellent Rings & Pendants).
- Upgrade 3rd Earring +15 to 4th Earring (Blood).
(You need RuudShop Item 'Blood Frame' to evolve the Earring).
- Upgrade 4th Earring from +0 to +15 using Three Vacancies.
(Create Three Vacancie in Chaos Machine 'Lapidary Stone' section using Excellent Rings & Pendants).
You have Pr0 Earring now with many bônus!
(Pair with +10% Increase Damage, +8% Ignore, and Extra Options)