


5th Wings: Uriel Feather, Wing Core

New Wings Level5 MuOnline:

1 - Uriel Feather: 

- Uriel Feather can be DROP on Events: BloodCastle / DevilSquare Events
- Uriel Feather can be DROP on Maps: Arena VIP+ / Crystal Map / Land Map / Throne Map
- Uriel Feather can be DROP on Special Monsters: Elites (Respawn / Invasion)
- Uriel Feather can be SHOP on 'X' hotkey (CashShop)

2 - 5th Wing Relic:

- You need Create the 5th Wing Relic on Chaos Machine
- You need a Level4 Wings +13 or higher, x100 Uriel Feather, Jewels
- Rate of Combination: 40% (Free), 45% (VIP), 50% (VIP+)

3 - 5th Wings Combination:

- You need use the 5th Wing Relic
- You need use 1 or more Top Magic Stone 
*Create it with Angel Set Items (ex: DarkAngel Helm, etc)

4 - The Wing Level 5:

- The 5th Wing comes with 55% Damage & 43% Absorb
(Every Level you Update on Wings, you receive extra 2% on Dmg/Abs, +15 = 75%/73%)

- The 5th Wing comes always WITHOUT Luck
(This Wing does not have Luck Option, even if you try add with custom jewel)

- The 5th Wings come Always with 2 Fixed Options
(Excellent Damage +10% and Double Damage +10%)

- The 5th Wings can have another 2 Random Options
(+200 Stats, Ignore Damage, HP Recovery, Return Dmg, Speed, Mana Recovery)

5 - Wing Core:

- The Wing Core is a 'Seed' for add on the Wing (if the wing were a socket item haha)

- To make the Wing Core, you need have the Wing Core Design
- You can Farm the Wing Core Design on Elite Boss (Check the DROP LIST:
- Go to Chaos Machine and add: Wing Core Design, 50 Uriel Feathers, Jewels

- The Wing Core comes always with one Fixed Option (Attack Power +50)
(Every Level you Update on Core, you receive extra damage on that option, +15 = 2602)


- To Update Wing Core, you need the Reinforcement Stone
(You can Farm the Stone on Special Monsters: Elites (Respawn / Invasion)

- The Wing Core can have another 2 Random Options
*Elemental Damage: +1000
*Elemental Defense: +750
*Elemental Attack Success Rate: +999
*Elemental Defense Sucess Rate: +999
*Elemental Damage II: +2000
*Elemental Defense II: +1500
*Elemental Attack Success Rate II: +2500
*Elemental Defense Sucess Rate II: +2500
*Increase Extra Nuke Damage: +700
*Increase Extra Bolt Damage: +600
*Increase Extra Wide Damage: +500
*Increase Extra Damage Decrease: +250

EPICMU Wings Tier:

- Mini Wing
- Level 1 Wing
- Level 2 Wing
- Monster Wing
- Conqueror Wing (MOSS)
- Level 3 Wing
- Conqueror Wing (Special)
- Level 4 Wing
- Wings of Power
- Level 5 Wing
- Angel & Devil Wing
- Level 5 Wing + Core Max


Posted28 / 02 / 2024

Currently this is only one server.