


Boss Battle & PvM Square

Season18 1-3 Update:

1. BOSS Battle:

- BOSS Battle is a new Event of EPICMU

How to join Boss Battle?

- Go to Lorencia Bar
- Buy 'All Together Boss Battle Ticket'
- Check Web CountDown for know when Event will start
- A PoP-UP will appear to advise about Event (like BC/DS/etc)
- Click on it to join

What prizes?

- You will fight against 2 BOSS (Kundun, Selupan, Medusa, Nix, GodDarkness)
Total Prize: 200.000 Ruud + DROP LIST from this BOSS

50.000 Ruud for the player who makes the Last Hit
50.000 Ruud for the player who makes more Damage (Win Boss)
100.000 Ruud if you make at least 1.000m damage (each Boss has 900m hp)


- The Event happens 3 times per day
- Check the WebSite CountDown to know at what time it will start

2. PvM Square:

This is a BOSS Fight Zone, some BOSSES will appear for you kill.
During this time, you can PvP all for fun, hehe.
Just move and FIGHT !

PvM Square works only during weekends (Saturday & Sunday)
It works only on 1st Channel (Channel 12) (same as Last Man, Death Match, Crystal Battle)
The Event will be announced in game 5 minutes before start, you can also check the Site CountDown for the exact time.

- Golden Monsters receive only Elemental Damage & Ignore Damage (Tip: Use MAX Mastery Ertell PvM Determination, damage is like x3)
- Golden Kundun is the BIG BOSS on PvM Square, he will kill EVERYBODY with only 1 hit, so he is very hard!!

- 5x Illusion BOSS every 2h Respawn
- 3x Kundun BOSS every 3h Respawn
- 3x Medusa BOSS every 3h Respawn
- 2x Deep Gorgon BOSS every 6h Respawn

- 10x Golden Titan BOSS with Goblins every 12h
- 5x Golden Tantalos BOSS with Goblins every 12h
- 3x Golden Erohim BOSS with Goblins every 24h
- 2x Golden Hell Maine BOSS with Goblins every 24h
- 1x Golden Kundun BOSS with Goblins one time per Weekend

Invasions Schedule:
*Check Server Time on Window Name

- Illusion of Kundum
~> Saturday: 00:25, 02:25, 04:25, 06:25, 08:25, 10:25, 12:25, 14:25, 16:25, 18:25, 20:25, 22:25
~> Sunday: 00:25, 02:25, 04:25, 06:25, 08:25, 10:25, 12:25, 14:25, 16:25, 18:25, 20:25, 22:25
~> Week Days: 1h Respawn everyday

- Kundum
~> Saturday: 02:45, 05:45, 08:45, 11:45, 14:45, 17:45, 20:45, 23:45
~> Sunday: 01:35, 04:35, 07:35, 10:35, 13:35, 16:35, 19:35, 22:35
~> Week Days: 2h Respawn everyday

- Medusa
~> Saturday: 00:45, 03:45, 06:45, 09:45, 12:45, 15:45, 18:45, 21:45
~> Sunday: 01:45, 04:45, 07:45, 10:45, 13:45, 16:45, 19:45, 22:45
~> Week Days: 3h Respawn everyday

- Deep Gorgon
~> Saturday: 01:15, 07:15, 13:15, 21:15
~> Sunday: 00:15, 06:15, 12:15, 18:15
~> Week Days: 6h Respawn everyday

- Golden Titan
~> Saturday: 05:15, 17:15
~> Sunday: 08:15, 16:15
~> Week Days: Monday: 09:30; Friday: 21h30

- Golden Tantalos
~> Saturday: 03:15, 15:15
~> Sunday: 01:15, 13:15
~> Week Days: Tuesday: 12:30; Thursday: 22h30

- Golden Erohim
~> Saturday: 16:15
~> Sunday: 04:15
~> Week Days: Monday 20h30; Wednesday 06h30; Friday 08h30

- Golden Hell Maine
~> Saturday: 08:35
~> Sunday: 20:15
~> Week Days: Tuesday 23h30; Wednesday 18h30; Thursday 11h30

- Golden Kundum
~> Saturday: 11:30
~> Sunday: 09:00

Illusion: 10 Coins + 500 Ruud + DROP LIST
Kundun: 20 Coins + 3.000 Ruud + DROP LIST
Medusa: 20 Coins + 3.000 Ruud + DROP LIST
Deep Gorgon: 50 Coins + 7.500 Ruud + DROP LIST

Goblins: Drop Jewels
G-Titan: 150 Coins + 25.000 Ruud + Tantalos Summoning Scroll (25%)
G-Tantalos: 150 Coins + 25.000 Ruud + Hell Maine Scroll (10%)
G-Erohim: 500 Coins + 50.000 Ruud + Wing Angel + Earring (4th) + Ertell Emblem + Seed Lvl10+
G-HellMaine: 500 Coins + 50.000 Ruud + Wing Angel + Earring (4th) + Ertell Emblem + Seed Lvl10+
G-Kundun: 2.500 Coins + 500.000 Ruud + Earring (5th) + Penta Emblem + Seed Lvl10+

Posted17 / 02 / 2023

Currently this is only one server.