
vtrrr2k 81



Summon Scroll Event & Wings Nivelation

Summon Scroll Event:

Step 1:
- Goblin Invasion: Jewels DROP (x1); 10% Chance to drop Monster Summoning Scroll

Step 2:
- Monster Summon Scroll: Create x5 Super Golden Goblin
- Super Golden Goblin: Jewels DROP (x2); 40% Chance to drop Summon Scroll Lv1

Step 3:
- Summon Scroll Lv1: Create x5 Green Snake
- Green Snake: Jewels DROP (x2); 35% Chance to drop Summon Scroll Lv2

Step 4:
- Summon Scroll Lv2: Create x5 Yellow Snake
- Yellow Snake: Jewels DROP (x3); 30% Chance to drop Summon Scroll Lv3

Step 5:
- Summon Scroll Lv3: Create x5 Purple Snake
- Purple Snake: Jewels DROP (x3); 25% Chance to drop Summon Scroll Lv4

Step 6:
- Summon Scroll Lv4: Create x5 Red Snake
- Red Snake: Jewels DROP (x5); 20% Chance to drop TITAN Anger

Step 7:
- TITAN Anger: Create x3 Golden Titan
- Golden Titan: Ruud (Minor Box or Standard Box); 15% Chance to drop TANTALOS Punishment

Step 8:
- Golden Tantalos: Ruud (Standard Box or Greater Box); 10% Chance to drop HELL MAINE Insanity
- Golden Hell Maine: Wings of Angel & Devil (3d ~ 5d ~ 10d ~ 15d ~ 30d ~ Unlimited)

Wings Nivelation:
- Small Wings
- Level1 Wings
- Level2 Wings
- Level2 Full Option Wings
- Monster Wings (2.5 Wings)
- Full Option Monster Wings (2.5 Wings)
- Level3 Wings
- MOSS Conqueror Wings
- Level3 Full Option Wings
- Super Conqueror Wings
- Level4 Wings
- Wings of Angel & Devil
- Level4 Full Option Wings
- Wings of Power

If you make a normal Level3, with no Pr0 Exc Options, will lose for Conqueror.
If you make a normal Level4, with no Pr0 Exc Options, will lose for Angel & Devil.


Posted15 / 03 / 2022

Currently this is only one server.