


Crystal Battle & Castle Siege & Throne Conquest

Castle Siege & Crystal Battle & Throne Conquest:

1. Schedule:

- Castle Siege every Sunday at 11:00am (GMT-3) -> Duration: 1h
- Crystal Battle every Saturday at 11:00am (GMT-3) -> Duration: 1h
- Throne Conquest every Sunday at 10:00am (GMT-3) -> Duration: 1h (If any Guild seal, Event auto-close)

2. Prizes:

Winner Guild Member receive acess of one Exclusive Map during 1 week.
Castle Siege Winner = Land of Trials Access.
Crystal Battle Winner = Crystal Castle Acess.

Throne Conquest Winner = Conquest Castle Acess.

Conquest Castle Benefits:

- 10 Erohim BOSS, with 25 Coins + 1.200 Ruud per Monster
*Respawn: 1h (Total: 2.500 Coin + 150.000 Ruud per day)

- 50 Undines, with regular drop
*Respawn: 3h

Crystal Castle Benefits:

- 5 Erohim BOSS, with 25 Coins + 1.200 Ruud per Monster
*Respawn: 1h (Total: 2.500 Coin + 150.000 Ruud per day)

- 30 Undines, with regular drop
*Respawn: 3h

- Elemental Rune Item DROP in Spots (Ertell Evolution)
- Mithril Item DROP in Spots (Ertell Creation)
- Miracle MOSS Coin Item DROP in Spots (MOSS Gambler Event)
- Rena Auction Coin Item DROP in Spots (Auction Event)
- Bless of Light EXP Coin Item DROP in Spots (Extra EXP)
- Sculpture Item DROP in Spots (Ghost Horse Creation Item)
- Guardian Upgrade Stone Item DROP in Spots (Mount Evolution Item)
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone Item DROP in Spots (Mount Evolution Item)
- Condor Flame Item DROP in Spots (Level3 Creation Item)
- Condor Feather Item DROP in Spots (Level3 Creation Item)
- Greater Spirit Stone Item DROP in Spots (Level4 Creation Item)
- Golden Sentence Item DROP in Spots (Level4 Creation Item)
- Elemental Capsule Item DROP in Spots (Ertell Creation)
- Seed Capsule Item DROP in Spots (SeedSphere Creation)

Land of Trials Benefits:

- 10 Erohim BOSS, with 25 Coins + 1.200 Ruud per Monster
*Respawn: 1h (Total: 5.000 Coin + 300.000 Ruud per day)

- 30 Undines, with regular drop
*Respawn: 3h

- Ancient Items Excellent DROP in Spots
- Elemental Rune Item DROP in Spots (Ertell Evolution)
- Mithril Item DROP in Spots (Ertell Creation)
- Miracle MOSS Coin Item DROP in Spots (MOSS Gambler Event)
- Rena Auction Coin Item DROP in Spots (Auction Event)
- Bless of Light EXP Coin Item DROP in Spots (Extra EXP)
- Sculpture Item DROP in Spots (Ghost Horse Creation Item)
- Guardian Upgrade Stone Item DROP in Spots (Mount Evolution Item)
- Elite Guardian Upgrade Stone Item DROP in Spots (Mount Evolution Item)
- Condor Flame Item DROP in Spots (Level3 Creation Item)
- Condor Feather Item DROP in Spots (Level3 Creation Item)
- Greater Spirit Stone Item DROP in Spots (Level4 Creation Item)
- Golden Sentence Item DROP in Spots (Level4 Creation Item)
- Elemental Capsule Item DROP in Spots (Ertell Creation)
- Seed Capsule Item DROP in Spots (SeedSphere Creation)

Extra: Castle Siege How-To-Play

- Your guild must have alliance to participate on Castle Siege
- Hold 2 Switchs and Click on Crown to Register (60 seconds)
- Last Guild on Defense = Winner

- Castle Siege has only 20% of normal damage, so its hard to kill or get killed on this event.
- With that information, normally 'register' is easy, so guilds wait to register on last minute and win.
- Use move to LorenDeep/Valley of Loren ('M' HotKey) to warp near Throne Room.

- Master lose accumulated time.
- Every click on Seal, lose 1 seconds, so if you have 50 seconds and click 3 times, will back to 47 seconds
- If Guild Master DIE or out the Throne-Room (if he die, he is out haha), will lose all accumulated time, it will back to 0.
- Every 6 seconds without clicking to the Seal, lose 1 seconds, so if you have 50 seconds in minute 03, but you click again only minute 01, you will back to 30 seconds
(120s no click = 20 seconds lose. You had 50 seconds, you will back to 30 seconds)

Tips for Castle Siege:
- PvP is only 20% from original, so is very hard to kill, better try to 'move' players, with Cyclone Skill (Swords), Lighting Skills (Magic), EarthQuake Skill (DL)
- Dark Lord is the only class that is not moved during the 'Guild Master Crown Seal', IF USING DARK HORSE, so is the best class for be a Guild Master
- Dont go out after you accumulated time, or you will lose all time and will have to accumulate again

Extra: Crystal Battle Register & How-To-Play

- Its a 'Guild' Event, it means your alliance can play alone vs your guild (Different than Castle Siege) when Alliance play together.
- The Guild Master need to go to a coordinate inside Crystal Castle (143 245). 12 seconds to seal.
- Last Guild on Defense win. Pay attention at end and Focus always on kill the Enemy Guild Master.

- Guild Members only have to protect the Guild Master or kill the Guild Master Enemy.
- Use move to [PvP] Crystal Battle ('M' HotKey) to warp inside the Event.
- This Event has 100% Damage, so kill and get killed is 'easy'.
- If the Guild Master out the 'Seal Coord', loses all the accumulated time.

How to register your guild?
Use command '/regcrystal' when the Game Master ask you to use the command.
*It happens 5 minutes before event, be online and use the command to register your guild !

How to know how many time to event end?
Use Command '/timerbattle' and a little countdown will appear in your screen.

Extra: Throne Conquest Register & How-To-Play

- Its a 'Guild' Event, it means your alliance can play alone vs your guild (Different than Castle Siege) when Alliance play together.
- The Guild Master need to go to a coordinate inside Throne Castle (225 237). 300 seconds to seal.
- The first guild to seal, win. Focus always on kill the Enemy Guild Master.
- If you DC and you are GUILD MASTER, you wont be able to seal anymore.

- Guild Members only have to protect the Guild Master or kill the Guild Master Enemy.
- Use move to [PvP] Throne Conquest ('M' HotKey) to warp inside the Event.
- This Event has 100% Damage, so kill and get killed is 'easy'.
- If the Guild Master out the 'Seal Coord', loses 3 seconds from accumulated time.
- If the Guild Master out the 'Event Zone' (get killed / change map), loses 20% of the accumulated time.

How to register your guild?
Use command '/regconquest' when the Game Master ask you to use the command.
*It happens 5 minutes before event, be online and use the command to register your guild !

How to know how many time to event end?
Use Command '/timerbattle' and a little countdown will appear in your screen.

Posted16 / 03 / 2021

Currently this is only one server.